Who are Seeme and Liz?

Welcome to Seeme and Liz!  Let’s get right to it.  Seeme and Liz are the names of my son’s and daughter’s favorite stuffed animals (they have many nicknames as well).

These “stuffies” have been with them since they were born, however they didn’t take much of an interest in them until they were each about a year old.

Seeme is my son’s ratty little blanket with a bear head at the top and Liz is my daughter’s puppy, who is also a tad bit ratty.

Seeme and Liz go everywhere my children go and live quite eventful lives through their imagination!

My name is Tanya and aside from being a wife and mother of 2, I am also an entrepreneur and former Speech-Language Pathologist.  I have my Masters of Clinical Science and a Bachelor of Psychology.  I practiced as a Speech-Language Pathologist for about 10 years.who are seeme & liz child development experts

During those years I had the pleasure of helping children and adolescents ages 1-16 learn to play and speak.   Some of these children were late to get talking while others had Down Syndrome, Autism and a variety of Genetic Disorders.   I spent about 4 years solely working with children with Down Syndrome.  I am also a Baby Signs® Certified Independent Instructor.

Practicing as a Speech-Language Pathologist is no longer my passion, however sharing my insights into the vast world of a child’s imagination and language development and learning is what I love.

I started this website to share with you the importance of play in relation to language development and learning.  My children’s experiences will be incorporated into some of my posts.  For those of you wondering, my daughter was born in 2007 and my son in 2009.

I will be providing my thoughts on toys and books and why I feel they are great to expand pretend play and thus language development.  Remember these are my thoughts and personal opinions.   I encourage you to draw your own conclusions.

I believe that a child’s early year’s play a big role in their success in life later and you can help them in so many ways.  All it takes is getting down on the floor and playing.  Now is your time to be a child again!

From time to time, I will write about other topics that interest me (and hopefully you) about children and the ups and downs of parenting, not necessarily in relation to language development and play.

If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Make sure to grab your copy of my FREE e-book before you leave!

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*Disclaimer – As I am no longer a registered Speech-Language Pathologist, I cannot provide specific recommendations for your child.  I will always recommend you seek the advice of a registered Speech-Language Pathologist.

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