7 Positive Parenting Tips for Successful Child Development

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Child development is a complex process that takes place over an extended period of time. It is the child’s sensitive reliance on adults that makes parenting so challenging.

The most important contribution that parents can make to their child’s development is to give them support.

It means providing them with a good environment, socialization, emotional support, and educational needs like simple learning materials and toys to achieve healthy development.

As a mother of five and three-year-old children, I know exactly how important child development is. So I am constantly seeking ways to make that process come naturally for my children until I came up with the use of Positive Parenting techniques.

Positive Parenting techniques are one the best ways to achieve successful child development. Since positive parenting is more long term, it offers you the time and caring attention you need to nurture the child’s natural development.

Positive parenting is not about orders, punishments, or rewards. Instead, it is about becoming an effective parent through patience, support, and guidance.

For many years of taking care of my children, I learned to effectively use these positive parenting techniques to help my children achieve success in their development.

In this article, I’m going to share with you some of the best parenting tips I learned to help you become a better parent to your children.

But before we go on, let’s first examine what child development is all about!

What Is Child Development?

Child Development is a process of gradual change in a person’s life. It refers to the maturation and learning skills of your child from birth to adulthood. If you care for your child appropriately, they will feel the love and attention required to develop properly.

A child progresses from being dependent on their parents to become increasingly more independent during the process. And one of the many ways to nurture child development is through positive parenting.

What are the 5 Areas of Child Development?

Each child progresses at their own pace and at their own time, but there are particular skills your kids should exhibit by a certain age, called developmental milestones.

These skills or developmental milestones achieved by a child are built across the areas of child development.

Cognitive Development – the ability to acquire and store knowledge and skills.
Social and Emotional Development – ability to relate to other people, especially those outside the family.
Speech and Language Development – it is the ability to communicate through words in a coherent way.
Fine Motor Skill Development – the ability to use small muscles of the hands and fingers.
Gross Motor Skill Development – is the ability to move large legs, arms, and torso muscles.

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Why is Child Development Essential?

Keeping an eye on child development is an essential tool to ensure that your children meet their developmental milestones at a particular age range.

Also, checking a child’s developmental progress at a certain age can be helpful in the early detection of any setback in development and highlight areas in which a child might be delayed.

The early detection of issues with regard to developmental progress can be helpful in lowering the effects these developmental setbacks can have on a child’s skill development and serve as an indicator of any future diagnosis.

But let me remind you that every child is unique and has time to grow and develop.

So, please do not get upset or worried if your child is late in meeting his developmental milestones.

One of the best things I did was to guide my children every step and provide them the support and time they need to develop, which you can also apply with your child.

However, if your child is really falling behind, especially when it comes to speech and language development, it is important to seek help as soon as possible as early intervention can help immensely!

7 Positive Parenting Tips for Successful Child Development

Ages 2- 5 years are the crucial stages for child development where developmental milestones start to accelerate. It is during these years that they need our utmost care and attention.

The list of tips shared below is based on my experience as well as the experiences of other parents I’ve met.

These are the best parenting tips that I learned to hone my parenting skills and nurture my kids into successful young adults.

1. Spend Quality Time for Your Children

One of the ways to nurture child development is through spending quality time with your child. The more you take care of them, the more they will look up to you.

The best way to spend quality time is by allowing your child to play actively without being too anxious about protecting them from potential harm.

Children are curious about the world around them, and they like to explore new environments.

During these explorations, your child will practice their motor skills and interact with other kids in their social group.

You can also make each time an opportunity to develop their young mind. For example, you can read them books like animal books for kids or rhyming books to build strengthen their speech and language development.

2. Make Communication a Priority

Communication is vital in the parent-child relationship. By communicating with your child, you give them an understanding of themselves and the world around them.

To make communication a priority, set aside time to talk to your child about everyday things like their day at school, what they did at the playground, or what they ate for lunch. You can also speak to them about something they want or need to know how it works.

3. Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Children begin developing their sense of self as toddlers when they witness themselves in their parent’s eyes.

Your little ones absorb your body language, your tone of voice, and your expression. For example, I realized that my kids felt good when I smiled at them and spoke to them kindly.

Likewise, if I was in a bad mood, they caught it right away and as a result, their mood wasn’t quite so cheery.

You can also boost your child’s self-esteem by praising their good behavior or when they do something silly or cute. Give positive feedback from the heart instead of only trying to mimic what you think they should be doing.

However, always make sure the praise is meaningful rather than something generic such as “good job”.

Avoid expressing loaded negative statements. Comments such as “You are not as good as your little brother” will deform their sense of self-worth.

Pick your words carefully. Let your children know that every one of us makes mistakes, and you are still proud and love them, even if you don’t favor their behavior.Everything about positive parenting solutions program

4. Catch Children Doing Something Right

When a child does something right or can complete a task by effort, they will feel good about themselves. To build on that feeling of self-satisfaction, you can catch them doing something right and point it out!

For example, my five-year-old daughter became very proud of herself when she put on her socks all by herself. So I showed my admiration and told her how happy I am that she is all grown up now and can do things for herself.

Create a point of finding something to praise each day. Being generous with rewards, compliments, and hugs can do wonders for them.

5. Provide Them Activities

Children will always grow and develop at their own pace, but if you want to protect them from developmental setbacks, you need to provide the activities and experiences that help keep them in step with their peers.

For example, letting your child play with a toy like play doh will help them develop their fine motor skills and strengthen speech and language development.  If you are interested in how play doh will help your child learn, read this!

By the time my son reached the age of two and half years, I started providing him with bear counters and played with him to practice his one to one correspondence which is an important ability to use in nurturing counting skills.

6. Impose Limits and Be Consistent With Your Discipline

Children need limits because it guards them against developing behavioral problems later on in life. If they are allowed to do whatever they like, they will not learn the concept of discipline.

One of the ways to deal with disciplinary issues is by setting up realistic boundaries for your child.

For example, I set up rules for my son when he is playing with his toys. I made it clear that he only gets to play with his car toys after finishing his homework. This way, I ensure that he will do his homework first before playing with other toys.

But if he forgets to do his homework first, I will not allow him to play with the toys because of the rule set up for him.

Make sure you impose rules consistently. It means that you set up your rules at the same time every day. This way, your child will learn to respect the limits you set for him during his childhood years.

7. Be A Role Model

No doubt that children look up to their parents when they are young. They will then seek emulation of what they see their parents doing in the house or outside, on the playground or TV during family time.

To be a role model, you need to demonstrate your moral principles through your actions. For example, be respectful to everyone, whether your child, an older person, or even the bus driver. When you show respect to other people, they will treat you with more respect in return.

Another way to be a good role model is by displaying positive emotions like gratitude and love. When you express positive emotions, your children will develop the capacity to experience greater empathy for others.

Parenting your child is a big responsibility. So say goodbye to the idea of having a “perfect child” and embrace the challenges that will come with raising a child instead.

By understanding and living by these parenting rules, you can guide and nurture your child’s development and shape an adult with a positive character.

Author Bio
I’m Andrea Gibbs born, raised, and still living in New York. I’m a work-at-home mom with a background in business development, strategy, and social media marketing. I’m a blog contributor at Computer Kids Daycare in Belle Park, Texas to motivate and educate other parents about how they can get their children ahead of the game in school.

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